Essays in English by Leon Roth
“David Nieto and the Orthodoxy of Spinozism.” Chronicon Spinozanum 1 (1921): 278-282.
“The Abscondita Sapientiae of Joseph del Medigo.” Chronicon Spinozanum 2 (1922): 54-66.
“Spinoza and Cartesianism.” Mind 32 (1923): 12-37 (part I); 160-178 (part II).
“Miscellanies.” Chronicon Spinozanum 3 (1923): 347-348.
Review of The Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius, by A. Kaminka. Jewish Guardian, March 16, 1923.
“The Goodness of God.” Journal of Philosophical Studies 2, no. 8 (1926): 503-515.
“Jewish Thought in the Modern World.” In The Legacy of Israel, edited by Edwyn R. Bevan and Charles Singer, 433-472. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927.
“Spinoza in Recent English Thought.” Mind 36, no. 142 (1927): 205-210.
Review of The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant, by H. Bergmann. Mind 36, no. 143 (1927): 384.
Review of S. Thomas Aquinatis Opuseula Omnia cura et studio, by R. P. Petri Mandonnet. Mind 37, no. 145 (1928): 120.
“The Jerusalem University: Some Personal Notes.” Universities Review 2, no. 2 (1930): 111-115.
“Jerusalem Letter.” Universities Review 4 (1932): 126-131.
“Note on the Relationship between Locke and Descartes.” Mind 44 (1935): 414-416.
“The Discourse on Method, 1637-1937.” Mind 46, no. 181 (1937): 32-43.
“The Descartes-Huygens Correspondence.” In Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie (‘Congrès Descartes’), (1937): 101-108.
“Ambassadors of English.” Times Literary Supplement, July 11, 1942.
“The First 25 Years of the Hebrew University.” Bulletin of the English Friends of the Hebrew University, Oct. 1943.
“The Hebrew University and Its Place in the Modern World.” Lucien Wolf Memorial Lecture 1945, The Jewish Historical Society of England. Reported also in the Jewish Chronicle, Apr. 6, 1945.
“Philosophical Classics in Hebrew: Building a Language.” Commentary 2 (1946): 298-300.
“A Plea for Universality in Education.” Scopus 2, no. 1 (1948).
“Judah L. Magnes and the Hebrew University.” Jewish Education 20 (1949).
“I[srael] A[brahams] and the Hebrew University.” Zionist Independent 1 (1949): 20f.
“General Humanities.” In The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1925-1950, edited by Manka Spiegel, 98-102. Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1950.
“Twenty Five Years [of the Hebrew University].” Scopus 4, no. 1 (1950).
“Judaism.” In The Year Book of Education, edited by J.A. Lauwerys and N. Hans, 192-212. London: Evans Bros., 1951.
“Ambassador.” Review of My Mission in Israel, by James G. McDonald. Desiderata 4, no. 49 (Dec. 7, 1951): 1-3. [Signed A.N.O.R.]
“Boloney.” Review of The Circus of Dr. Lao, by Charles G. Finney. Desiderata 4, no. 50 (Dec. 14, 1951): 1-4. [Signed A.B.F.]
“Judah Leon Magnes: An Appreciation.” Ner 3, no. 5-6 (Dec. 1951 - Jan. 1952): 20.
“Philosophy at the University and the Jewish Mind.” In Hebrew University Garland, edited by Norman Bentwich, 65-72. London: Constellation Books, 1952.
Letter to the Editor (on the morality of Jewish apologia for the Qibya raid). Jewish Chronicle, Dec. 4, 1953.
“Some Observations on Recent Reported Undergraduate Conversions to Christianity.” Paper read to the Inter-University Jewish Federation [of England] Summer School, Aug. 1954.
Jewish Thought as a Factor in Civilization. Paris: Unesco, 1954. Yiddish translation by M. Shenderey. Buenos Aires, 1956.
“St George for England.” Review of England, Your England and Other Essays, by George Orwell. Desiderata 7, no. 12 (Jan. 15, 1954): 1-3.
Letters to the Editor (on Ahad Ha’am). Jewish Chronicle, April 16, 1954, and April 30, 1954.
“Cartesian Studies.” Review of New Studies in the Philosophy of Descartes, by Norman Kemp Smith. Cambridge Journal 7 (1954): 466-475.
The Significance of Biblical Prophecy for our Time. Rabbi Mattuck Memorial Pamphlet 1. London: London Society of Jews and Christians, 1955.
“Prophets of All Time.” Common Ground 9, no. 3 (1955): 3-8.
Review of Pain and Other Problems, by J. C. Wordsworth. Philosophical Quarterly 5, no. 21 (1955): 382-383.
Letter to the Editor (on J. L. Magnes). Jewish Chronicle, Feb. 4, 1955.
Great Jewish Books, Old and New. London: Jewish Book Council, 1955. Reprinted in Essays in Jewish Booklore, edited by Philip Goodman, 25-38. New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1972.
“A Contemporary Moralist: Albert Camus.” (R. R. Marett Memorial Lecture 1954). Philosophy 30, no. 115 (1955): 291-303.
Some Reflections on the Interpretation of Scripture. Claude Montefiore Lecture 1955. London: Liberal Jewish Synagogue, 1956.
“The ‘Cherem’ on Spinoza.” Jewish Chronicle, July 27, 1956.
Review of Spinoza, by Stuart Hampshire. Mind 65, no. 1 (1956): 410-411.
Address given at the West London Synagogue on the occasion of the inauguration of the Jewish Theological College, September 30, 1956. Reprinted in The Synagogue Review 31, no. 3 (1956): 65f.
“Rabbi and Audience.” Jewish Chronicle, Dec. 14, 1956 and Dec. 21, 1956.
Baruch Spinoza: His Religious Importance for the Jew of Today. Amsterdam: International Conference of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, 1957.
“Spinoza and the Religious Jew of Today.” Jewish Chronicle, Sep. 13, 1957 and Sept. 20, 1957.
“Encounter and Tensions in World Religions.” Forum (World Congress of Faiths, London), 32 (1957): 7-15.
Review of Rembrandt and Spinoza, by W. R. Valentiner. Jewish Chronicle, June 21, 1957.
Review of An Historian’s Approach to Religion, by Arnold Toynbee. Anglo-Jewish Association Quarterly 3 (1957): 34.
“Judaism, the Elements.” Judaism (New York) 7 (1958): 3-13.
Review of Scritti in Memoria di Sally Mayer. Jewish Chronicle, September 5, 1958.
“Maimonides.” Common Ground 12, no. 1 (1958): 23-26.
Review of Tradition and Change, by M. Waxman. Jewish Chronicle, May 15, 1959.
Review of The Old Testament: Keystone of Human Culture, by William Irwin, September 11, 1959.
“The Resurgence of Hebrew.” Jewish Journal of Sociology 1, no. 2 (1959): 177-186.
“Authority, Religion, and Law.” Hibbert Journal 58 (1960): 115-120.
“Back To, Forward From, Ahad Ha’am?” In Addresses given at the Thirteenth Conference of Anglo-Jewish Preachers (1960): 35-47.
Review of Jewish Values, by Louis Jacobs. Jewish Chronicle, June 3, 1960.
“Religion and Piety in Spinoza.” In A Seminar on Saints: Papers presented at the Second Seminar of the Union for the Study of Great Religions (India), edited by T.M.P. Mahadevan, 437-454. Madras: Ganesh, 1960.
“Hebraists and Non-Hebraists of the Seventeenth Century.” Journal of Semitic Studies 6 (1961): 204-221.
Review of Martin Buber: Jewish Existentialist, by Malcolm L. Diamond. Journal of Semitic Studies 6 (1961): 114.
Review of New Horizons in Old Testament Literature, by Cyrus H. Gordon. Journal of Semitic Studies 6 (1961): 293-294.
Review of In His Image: The Jewish Philosophy of Man as Expressed in Rabbinic Tradition, by Samuel Belkin. Jewish Chronicle, Mar. 17, 1961.
Review of The Religion of Israel (English Translation), by Yehezkel Kaufmann. Jewish Chronicle, June 2, 1961.
“A Secularist Faith.” World Faiths 51 (1961).
Foundations. St. Paul’s Lecture 1961. London: London Diocesan Council for Christian Jewish Understanding, 1961.
“Religion and Literature.” Hibbert Journal 60 (1961-1962): 24-34.
“Is there a Jewish Philosophy?” In Jewish Philosophy and Philosophers, edited by Raymond Goldwater, 1-19. London: The Hillel Foundation, 1962.
“Moralization and Demoralization in Jewish Ethics.” Judaism 11, no. 4 (1962): 291-302.
“Mysticism: Thick and Thin.” World Faiths 55 (1962): 1-12.
Review of Sacred Books of the World, by A. C. Bouquet. Jewish Chronicle, Dec. 7, 1962.
“Back To, Forward From, Ahad Ha’am?” Conservative Judaism 17, no. 1-2 (1962-3): 20-30.
Review of Exclusiveness and Tolerance: Studies in Jewish-Gentile Relations in Medieval and Modern Times, by Jacob Katz. Journal of Semitic Studies 8 (1963): 137f.
Review of Man and His Destiny in the Great Religions, by S. G. F. Brandon. Journal of Semitic Studies 8 (1963): 217 f.